The Eternal Spiral Return
From birth to mid-life the spiral moves out, expanding and extending until reaching the mid-point. There the direction reverses and the journey outward turns back inward--the soul back to its Source. Return to the Whole explores the landscape symbolism of the Bible, from the perspective of Christic spirituality and Jungian psychology, informed mainly by four disciplines:
The role of ART in expressing the The provision, in the PSYCHOLOGY And from the synchronization of the SYMBOLOGY A Personal Forward: Through the convergence of the above four areas of interest in my life, the earlier perspective of my Christian upbringing has broadened considerably. Nevertheless, the memory of my childhood is blessed in having known a Jesus on whose lap there was always room. But then, a lap so universally available will, in time, require re-examination. In re-evaluating the Jesus of my personal history, it occurred to me that in order to have been so everywhere available he would have had to have broken through some barrier--like the speed of sound or of light. And that he may or may not have been the first to fully succeed in making a fully conscious return to the Source of all being so as to be everywhere present. In any event, or so it seems to me now, it is to the higher, Christic perspective that all are being drawn-- individuals and, humanity collectively. This is also the substance of the vision of Teilhard de Chardin whose evolutionary expectations permeate these pages, as similarly do those of Sri Aurobindo. I now
even dare to imagine that none in the great sea of humanity can ultimately
escape a net so broadly and deeply cast, and this because in a universe whose
glue is an all inclusive love there is no place to escape to. Thus freed from
the impositions and distortions of millenniums, the sacred words, themes and
symbols of the past are now free to be re-clothed in new meaning. But for this
to happen in a consciousness-transforming way, each of us is now called to
discover the meaning they hold for our own lives, and answer for ourselves alone the
questions they newly evoke. May we journey together in
peace and all good, |
Part I: In the Garden
Part I: Call to Boundlessness
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